We are all living through uncertain times but you may also have personal challenges, unexplored issues and specific worries and concerns on top. Some of these issues may have been bugging you for some time and have now reached a tipping point, perhaps made more urgent due to the current crisis. Or perhaps you have long held a wish to explore new ways of living your life, offering opportunities for growth and self-development.
You may be suffering from anxiety, stress, perfectionism, self-judgement, damaging beliefs, constantly ruminating over the past, worrying about the future, minor or major ailments.
Now is a time of such profound change and uncertainty that Darwin’s views that survival is based on humans’ ability to adapt could not be more relevant. That is where I can help because, together, we will go beyond survive and look to thrive.
We will explore the paths that lead to disharmony with life including the main causes behind a ‘Busy Mind’ and how we arrive at a turning point where the mind and body can allow healing to commence.
I take a holistic approach to present challenges and use a combination of non-medical and extensively researched successful techniques.